Take care of your doll, buy food, clothes and even a tree! Customize your pet's color, go fishing or just stay playing with your ball! Just... have fun.


Do not close the game when the "saving..." icon is present.


To get coins, shake trees on the town map or fish for gifts (they contain 5 or 20 coins, it is random wich one you get).

To play, use the left mouse button (I don't know how to change it for buttons and didn't have time anyways) to interact with buttons.

If you have an item, it will be displayed on the bottom of the screen at your home, click it and click on the screen to place it.

If you have a ball of yarn, it can be used to change the color of the pet (I wanted to make it possible to change the color of the clothes too, but was unable to due to time constrains).

On the bottom left side of the screen, there is a button that opens the time control panel. With it, you can change how fast the game goes (especially good for fishing).


The theme for the jam was "IN THE ZONE", which is why in this game you are taking care of a doll that is stuck in the "Pet zone" while you are in the "People zone" (I know it is not much, but I tried, even made a drone that the pet follows instead of the mouse).

KNOWN BUGS (not able to fix them for the jam):

-The doll appears in the middle of the room sometimes when shopping or fishing (I don't know what causes it).

-Saving doesn't work properly.

-Your pet always comes out of your house, even after fishing or shopping.

-The game sometimes lags or even crashes (due to the way I'm currently saving and loading data).


-Changing the color of your pet's clothes.

-Changing the skin of your pet.

-Meeting friends in the town or visiting their homes.

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